Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Intrusions, some illusions
Spell bounding persuasions
I’ve taken notice.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Leaping all About

Can’t wait, leaping all about
Heart racing, whimsical immersions
Nature elated, warmth brewing-
Like coffee. Beaming thoughts
Clouds burning off, floating away.

Friday, March 15, 2013

All night long

How do I satisfy my mind
Under these conditions
Of insomnia?
Keeps me wide awake-
It's nearly day break
Lingering in a halo of light.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Malt Shop

Classic reenactments
Joyable surroundings
Others murmuring,
Laughter and nourishment
Feelings of childhood surface.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Once cherished like new
Aged, worn-
Refined unlike fine wine.
Yet forgotten
Reelects of the past,
Stowed away in darkness

Wonderment obtained
What onlookers gaze-
Oh, discoveries made
These forgotten things
Remnants of childhood
Resurrected for a moment.

Friday, March 8, 2013


In the grotto we retire
Harbored thoughts,
Symbols projected
Of great lights.
Great debates-
Bestowed, gathered
Erected before
Our signet.


Bluejay perching
On unfathomed limbs
Sunrays beaming
Spring blooming.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


We held hands-
Last night,
Sleeping in our lagoon-
Of profound dreams
Where flourishing stardust
Carries us
Soundly away.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Searching shadows

Shadows charging-
After light
Always dark thoughts
Stray, contained
Within. Stories dwell
Never told
In these unfolding
Charging shadows.


Sullen mannerisms
Forthwith sustained
In due time-order of time
We discover love,
Each other;
Eons of serenity


Unclear clarity,
Drives stark mad
The ratification
Of a bruised mind.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Don't walk in the dark, my dear
Troubles abound this I assure you,
Unseen abstractions alluring,
Prowling, preying, loathing pain.
Noticed yet, sightless sounds,
Steady as you go my dear,
Tumbling firstly downwards
Fires wrath ensures the soul
Eating embers for escape
Scorching the heart
That wanders in the dark.